01 I Need A Lawyer!

If you are reading this, you have come to the conclusion that your marriage is coming to an end. This is a difficult and stressful time for you and you may be seeking

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02 Testimonials

Read the Testimonials of my satisfied clients.

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03 Family Court Cases and Modifications

There are times when unforeseen and unexpected events occur following a divorce, which require changes to divorce

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Over 30 years of experience in divorce & family law


I am a highly experienced Divorce & Family Law Attorney whose primary goal is to get positive results and a favorable outcome for my divorce and family law clients. I deliver the highest level of personal attention to each client and case in my office.

I personally handle each and every case in my office. There is no delegation of responsibility to associates or other lawyers. There are no excuses in my firm: the “buck” starts and stops with me. The result is that my clients receive the finest legal guidance and counsel that I can provide in every case.

It is important to me that clients have access to me whenever a situation calls for an immediate response to an emergent situation. I make it a point to promptly address their legal concerns and questions. I provide frequent status updates to my clients to keep them fully informed and up to date. I do not screen my client calls, emails or texts, a client of my firm reaches me when they need my assistance. I believe that accessibility and communication are the keys to a successful attorney client relationship.

I have extensive experience conducting contested cases, trials and hearings. I have obtained excellent results for clients where litigation is the only route available. I am deeply committed to obtaining the best outcome available for every client of my firm.

If you want a Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of matrimonial law experience and your goal is a positive outcome for your case, please do not hesitate to contact me for a Free Consultation at:

My primary practice areas are: divorce, matrimonial, family law, divorce mediation, custody and support issues. I handle contested divorce cases in Nassau, Suffolk, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island. I can also handle your uncontested divorce in Nassau, Suffolk, Queens or New York counties.

I also believe that couples should be given the chance to work out their differences through negotiations. I will try to settle every case, as a settlement eliminates the need for a trial. I will work patiently and cooperatively with my clients to identify areas of disagreement and offer options and solutions to the issues that are presented. I negotiate and prepare prenuptial agreements if a marriage is contemplated. If the client is already married and wants to enter into a post nuptial agreement or separation agreement, I provide dedicated and personalized representation in working towards a settlement with your spouse. With over 30 years of experience as a practicing matrimonial and family lawyer with a recent Masters degree in Social Work, I can offer unique professional guidance to you.

Mediation is not for everyone. However, if you are interested in pursing divorce mediation, as a Long Island divorce attorney and mediator, I can also act as a neutral mediator. In divorce mediation, I will try to help parties reach a mutually beneficial agreement on the issues of: separation, child custody, child support, maintenance (formerly alimony), spousal support, equitable distribution, division of money and property, and apportionment of debt.

Please contact the office for a Free Consultation for to discuss your divorce and family law case.
516 747 2290

*If you feel that you need a lawyer to represent your interests right now because of dire or emergency circumstances, click the BLACK BOX directly above with the caption……..

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This is attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee future outcomes.